Owner and Chief Blogger, Social Strand Media; Author, Back to Basics: Social Media Fundamentals for Small Business
Tracy Sestili is owner and chief blogger at Social Strand Media, where she helps companies and individuals elevate their brand to the next level by simplifying social media. “What do you want to be famous for?” is the question Tracy will always ask you to help you define and shape your social media and brand strategy.
She has spoken on social media and branding at BlogHer, WITI, MarketingCamp, and Women In Consulting (WIC) events and has taught social media at HULT International Business School, San Francisco State University CEL, U.C. Berkeley, and AcademyX.
Her blog has been a finalist in the Social Media Examiner’s Top 10 Social Media Blogs of 2012 and 2013 and she is revered as a top social media consultant in the SF Bay Area by both her peers and fellow business owners.
A philanthropist at heart, she is also a Bay Area Jefferson Award winner. She’s originally from Philadelphia and currently lives in San Francisco.
She is currently finalizing her book, Back to Basics: Social Media Fundamentals for Small Business.