Have it All: Combine a Meaningful Career with the Relationships You Desire

Sara Ellis Conant
At the May 1st Connect•Work•Thrive Conference
Sara will also facilitate the workshop:
Maintain Confidence Throughout Your Job Search

Sara Ellis Conant

Is it important to you to have a rewarding career, while maintaining meaningful relationships with your spouse, children, friends and family? Achieving success at both work and home can often feel complex and challenging, daunting and exhausting.


This interactive workshop will help you create a life that truly works — for you, for your company, and for your family. Through Sara’s skillful facilitation and coaching, you will have insights in these key areas:

  1. Negotiating for balance: How to make a mutually beneficial arrangement with your employer or potential employer
  2. Leadership: How to produce great results and advance your career without depleting yourself
  3. Self: How to find ways to truly fill yourself up and let go of quick fixes that leave you wanting


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