Anne Moellering

At the May 1st Connect•Work•Thrive Conference
Anne will facilitate the workshop
How to Define and Build a Fulfilling Career
Anne Moellering
Anne Moellering is a certified Executive Leadership & Career Coach with a BA from Dartmouth, an MBA from Stanford, and 20 years of experience in the start-up world of Silicon Valley.  She’s also a surfer, former goat herder, lacrosse player and once beat Tom Cruise in quarters.  But that’s an entirely different story.
Through her career coaching, Anne helps her clients thrive in what they do.  With a firm belief that life’s too short for Bad Mondays, Anne helps clients with a range of significant career moves.  These include finding & shifting to a more fulfilling career, re-designing a current job to play to a client’s strengths and passions or developing key capabilities in order to land a desired promotion.  
In all cases, Anne helps her clients truly understand & leverage their top strengths, identify and align with their core values and intentionally balance their careers with their lives for maximum fulfillment.