Managing Director and CEO, Platinum Resource Group
After a professional career in information technology, accounting, finance, and business operations with companies including Disney, Toshiba, Nestle, and FedEx, Christi Haley Stover is now doing what she truly loves in a company that she created from scratch.
Christi is passionate about initiating and developing relationships – helping others succeed is her core business. Throughout Christi’s career, developing and creating deeper relationships has led to several powerful discoveries, all of which were based on research on how to initiate strong bonds with others, thereby creating a “power cord.” It’s a practice which builds powerful business relationships, networking connections, and creates bonds with hiring managers during job interviews.
Christi received her MBA and BS in Computer Information Systems at Chapman University. She serves on the Board of Trustees for Olive Crest and on the Technology Advisory Board for Working Wardrobes. Christi also serves as the President for Advancing Women in Technology, a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of women in technology.