Starting Over: Reimagining Your Career after 50

Johanna Wise Discusses Midlife Career Opportunities
Yale University, 5/22/14


5/22/14 Yale Career Panel 4      5/22/14 Yale Career Panel 6


Companies must frequently reinvent themselves to survive in the information age — what about people? Creative destruction replaces old brands with new ones in record time, can it do the same to individuals? Is it ridiculous to turn your sights on something new? Will your friends and family look at you funny? What about that strange book you always wanted to write? Are start-ups just for millennials? What about becoming a mentor, or a teacher, or a small business owner, or a full-time volunteer?


Just how weird is it to put yourself back in the mindset of being a 20something year old with your whole life in front of you, taking a big risk, and seeing where you can launch yourself?


It is possible, a lot of people are doing it, but what does it mean to redefine yourself in a world that has already defined you for what you’ve done, not what you want to do?