Michelle Florendo

 Michelle Florendo circle

Founder, What If You Could

Michelle Florendo has shown hundreds of professionals how to align their work with their passions and purpose.

Michelle has ten years of experience in management consulting, brand management, and public education. During her career, Michelle honed her process for using decision analysis, career pivots, and storytelling to find engaging work. She founded What If You Could to share her process with other Type-A professionals who want to make solid career decisions that empower them to feel fulfilled in all parts of their lives.

Michelle earned a Bachelor’s degree in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University and earned an MBA from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.

Over 90% of workshop attendees say they would recommend Michelle’s workshops to colleagues and friends:

  • “I loved the frameworks for thinking through careers. Very actionable. I also liked the connection to design thinking and business.”
  • “I appreciate the organized approach to considering future options.”
  • “It was really helpful to take the time to dig into my own thoughts; I never make the time for this.”