Finding Work that Fits

Marcia Davis-Cannon

Marcia Davis-Cannon circle photo

Does the idea of finding your perfect job feel unrealistic?

Are you just trying to find a job, any job?

It isn’t enough to land a job – the key to lasting job satisfaction is finding work that fits. Sometimes we’ve been caring for others or working at making a living for so long that we’ve lost connection to ourselves and our sources of joy.

Practical and inspiring, Marcia offers concrete tools to equip you to know yourself, know the marketplace, and find your match – work that fits you!

Join us to transform your job search with these powerful and practical tools:

  • Know yourself in the ways that really count for a job search
  • Discover the kinds of jobs that are out there through creative search techniques
  • Take action to hone in on the right fit, no matter how many years you have been in or out of the workforce
  • Move beyond the job postings and create your own, perfectly-fitting job!


Join us on February 4th to learn more!